Welcome to the KANOTIX Documentation Wiki

This Wiki is available for
all KANOTIX users to read and - if you're registered with our site - to contribute to. We hope that over time the KANOTIX documentation Wiki will grow and evolve with the project. Documentation is vitally important to the project, and with this in mind there are some rules for contributing to the Wiki that you need to read before contributing.
Adding to our documentation Wiki is a great way to
give back to the project. We welcome contributions from users of all abilities. Our documentation has to cater to both new and experienced users. A few hours of your time here could literally save thousands of hours for other people, thanks to the huge user base that KANOTIX enjoys.
In general, the KANOTIX Documentation Team has created a
defined structure for the documentation on the site and it should not be modified. We invite you to add new pages, edit existing articles but request you follow the current structure of the site. It's important you
don't create orphaned pages, every page you create must be linked within the existing structure.
And a last tip before you start writing your first article: Before you start, please check if your topic is not covered already by our
Official FAQ∞.