06.02.2025, 19:29 UhrDeutsch | English
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Create a Kanotix USB boot stick


  • Requirements
  • Linux method
  • Windows method
  • Additional information

This article was tested succesfully with the following Kanotix versions:
  • Kanotix Excalibur
  • Kanotix Hellfire

IMPORTANT: The instructions on this page will destroy all data currently on the USB stick being used. Please be certain it does not contain important information.

1. Requirements

Of course you need an USB stick with sufficient memory for the Kanotix ISO image. If you want to use persistent feature then you need even more memory for your personal data. You can use this instructions with all Kanotix hybrid ISO images.

2. Linux method

GUI method

Download the Meego Image Creator (MIC). It is a nice python script with a GUI. Use the 3 following commands for download, set executable flag and starting it.

wget -qO- tinyurl.com/img-writer-gui|sed /os.geteuid/,+1d > img-writer-gui
chmod +x img-writer-gui

Meego Image Creator GUI
Console method

Images made with iso-hybrid can be written to USB sticks with all tools that support RAW data copy, e.g. dd or cat. But this method is not supported, because you need to specify the target device on your own. The risk that you override another device is too big. If you know how to use these tools, no problem you can use them.

3. Windows method

SUSE Studio Image Writer
Download the (SuSE) ImageWriter http://kanotix.acritox.com/files/ImageWriter.exe (require M$ .NET Runtime)

It is very easy, select your ISO image and the target USB stick.

4. Additional information

If your computer bios does not support booting from USB devices, then you can take a look to Plop boot manager. One of its feature is USB boot without bios support. http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanagers.html


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