
Anything goes - If Kanotix didn't exist, what distro would you use?

rich.bradshaw - 18.03.2006, 13:52 Uhr
Titel: If Kanotix didn't exist, what distro would you use?
Or put more succinctly, what is the 2nd best distro? Smilie

I think I would be struggling with Debian Sid still, it is a lot easier having Kano's scripts etc, but I like the sort of pureness of Debian.
piper - 18.03.2006, 17:18 Uhr
Titel: RE: If Kanotix didn
Thats a tough question Auf den Arm nehmen Most likely

1. Debian Sid
2. Wolvix (slax)
3. Underground (arch)

Although I like mz's version of E17 very much, it might be different without Kanotix so I did not list it.
Crust - 18.03.2006, 17:53 Uhr
Titel: RE: If Kanotix didn
Debian sid for me.
jackiebrown - 18.03.2006, 17:55 Uhr
Titel: RE: If Kanotix didn
I am using debian sid right now, but I just finished my amd64 build and am having problem using the 64 bit flavor.

I downloaded kanotix 64 last night and will try it out to see if it solves any of my problems (well just one actually.) If not I will probably be back to 32 bit debian sid.

Kanotix remians my favorite debian based distro.

Underground is arch based now but I did try it when it was debian based.
h2 - 18.03.2006, 19:27 Uhr
Titel: RE: If Kanotix didn
debian sid or etch. But I probably wouldn't be using it, it's too much to learn all at once, that's the reason I like kanotix, I can ease into the stuff, learn as I go, I tried installing debian and failed several times, though now the installer is much better, I had very little trouble getting the net install of etch on a box using the small cd installer setup. But that's for server stuff, too many fun things I like to use on the desktop.

My guess is that when sid is stable or testing for the most part, I may just move to sid permanently, or stable that is, since I don't need much more functionality than I currently have on my boxes. But as long as kano and his team keep releasing kanotix I don't see any reason to stop using it currently. Unless of course I have a full dist-upgrade failure one day, if that happens I'll move to etch and forget about the wild frontier's of unstable.

However, 2005-4 64 failed to install on my box, same box 2005-3-64 installed on with no problems, so I might look at other 64 bit distros if the cebit version also doesn't install on this one. But it's not an issue, from what I can read 64 bit doesn't really do much for speed on the desktop for most users.

I'll be setting up a debian stable server soon though to learn that, the sarge installer should work fine, it's an older box, shouldn't be any hardware issues at all. kanotix on the desktop, as long as possible though, I'm fully switched now, rarely boot into windows any more.
Daniele - 18.03.2006, 21:33 Uhr
Titel: RE: If Kanotix didn
Debian testing/unstable. I don't find it difficult at all, but it is a very good thing that I can have a fully working Debian in 15 minutes, whilst Debian takes a few hours to install and configure.
Besides a big bonus for me is that Kanotix has first class pppoe support, whilst Debian is a pain from that point of view.
I could also use Libranet 3.0, but it is getting really old.
Cuddles - 19.03.2006, 17:53 Uhr
Titel: RE: If Kanotix didn
Unfortunately, not being as "Linux Worldly" as others who have posted, if Kanotix wasnt here, I'd still be back at the Knoppix Camp -=- still dealing with hard drive installing it, and dealing with its "should never do this" stuff...

Until I was shown Kanotix, thats where I was, breakin Knoppix, and dealing with the eggs on the floor, dont do this, dont do that, dont run this, etc... it worked, but, it took a lot of work, as well... Anyway, its good to have Kanotix, it has saved a lot of my sanity, and my system has never been as stable (this even includes the times I was running Knoppix), Kano's scripts makes a breeze out of any thing... Still remember having to deal with compiling my own kernel to include NVidia video drivers into the Knoppix install - Kano's scripts are the "cream-de-la-creme"... If Kanotix didnt exist, Linux would be vastly years behind from where they are now... IMHO
Daniele - 19.03.2006, 22:05 Uhr
Titel: Re: RE: If Kanotix didn
Cuddles hat folgendes geschrieben::
If Kanotix didnt exist, Linux would be vastly years behind from where they are now... IMHO

Even if it seems to contradict my previous post, I actually agree with that one: Kanotix is Debian become perfection.
michael7 - 20.03.2006, 00:38 Uhr
I've used Mepis and liked it. (As a matter of fact, I first heard about Kanotix from a post on the MepisLovers website.) Knoppix, perhaps. I have great respect for Klaus Knopper. But for me there's nothing even close to Kanotix.
mzilikazi - 20.03.2006, 01:41 Uhr
#1 Debian Sid for a desktop
#2 Debian Sarge for a server

Take your pick of installations iso's it really isn't rocket science to install Debian but it might be to get some hardware *cough* (can you say ATI & wireless and probably some other hardware I've never owned) working. For me there is no other reason to even look at another live cd besides Kantoix since none of them even come close to even being in the same league as Kanotix. The exception would be to test one now and again just to see how they accomplish a certain task or function but that's it.
Cathbard - 20.03.2006, 03:38 Uhr
I guess I'd use Ubuntu while I went back distro whoring again.
If Kanotix didn't exist? Bite your tongue, what a terrible thought. Don't tempt the fates with such perverse ideas, they might hear you.
al3 - 20.03.2006, 03:41 Uhr
I would run PCLinuxOS (which grew from Mandrake). It is simiilar to Kanotix as it is run by a few people who really understand BOTH software and hardware and who bring a passion to their work and a commitment to excellence. If Slackware were a modern distro with all the multi-media stuff built in and had a good pkg manager I'd go back to that. However Slackware does not and will not 'be there' and IMO it remains the best distro that 1995 has to offer!

PCLinuxOS is, in the RPM world, what Kanotix is to Debian... and that would be my choice.

t-bone - 20.03.2006, 06:14 Uhr
PCLinuxOS, however, I could not live without Kanotix! Sehr glücklich
Roughnecks - 20.03.2006, 10:12 Uhr
Titel: Re: If Kanotix didn't exist, what distro would you use?
rich.bradshaw hat folgendes geschrieben::
Or put more succinctly, what is the 2nd best distro? Smilie

i think i would use gentoo. but waiting for the compilation to finish s****ed big times, so i looked around and found kanotix Smilie
anyway, if kanotix didn't exist, i'd still use gentoo, because debian sounded too elite for me and i never dared to try it before i found kanotix Lachen
drb - 20.03.2006, 11:36 Uhr
I wouldn't be using Linux if it wasn't for Kanotix so I'd stay with the Kanotix install that I've got (it does exist . . . and it works!).

rich.bradshaw - 20.03.2006, 16:49 Uhr
drb hat folgendes geschrieben::
I wouldn't be using Linux if it wasn't for Kanotix so I'd stay with the Kanotix install that I've got (it does exist . . . and it works!).


Good point! I was on the vegre of giving up before this. Every distro I tryed to use at the time didn't include the newest ndiswrapper, so I couldn't get the internet to work. Hence I couldn't download the newest ndiswrapper to get the internet to work...

Kanotix has literally changed my life! lol
anticapitalista - 20.03.2006, 21:47 Uhr
My first choice is Mepis, second is Kanotix (can't get the fonts anywhere as near as nice as on Mepis). Third would be Debian sid.

No interest in trying rpm based distros, though I have thought about trying Slackware or Arch.

If Mepis goes down a road I don't like (Ubuntu repos) then I won't bother getting a newer version. I'll stick to 3.4.3 and keep running it with the debian sid repos. If it breaks, then I'll switch more to Kanotix.
I keep my Kanotix partition dist-upgraded (is that a verb?!), though I use it less than Mepis.
IMO both, in their own ways, are great distros.
Now if both go down the pan.....well....I'm f....d. Traurig
kb0hae - 20.03.2006, 23:35 Uhr
I am very glad that Kanotix exists! it is the best Linux distro(in my opinion). Thanks Kano!
If not for Kanotix, I would be using Knoppix. I tried about 10 other distros. Only Debian Sarge, Knoppix, and Kanotix were able to complete the install on my machine. In Debian Sarge, I never could get CUPS to work properly. Knoppix was better, but Kanotix is the BEST!
markb - 21.03.2006, 00:09 Uhr
anticapitalista hat folgendes geschrieben::
My first choice is Mepis, second is Kanotix (can't get the fonts anywhere as near as nice as on Mepis).

I used to have problems with fonts like this. Could get them right on Kanotix but not on Mepis, and then vice-versa. That was until I discovered the subtle relationship between screen size, pixels, and dpi resolution. Make sure you are using TT fonts. Kano's utility fix-* scripts adjust all this stuff.
anticapitalista - 21.03.2006, 08:26 Uhr
markb hat folgendes geschrieben::
anticapitalista hat folgendes geschrieben::
My first choice is Mepis, second is Kanotix (can't get the fonts anywhere as near as nice as on Mepis).

I used to have problems with fonts like this. Could get them right on Kanotix but not on Mepis, and then vice-versa. That was until I discovered the subtle relationship between screen size, pixels, and dpi resolution. Make sure you are using TT fonts. Kano's utility fix-* scripts adjust all this stuff.

I have tried using Kano's script, I use the same TT fonts and a dpi of 96 for both Kanotix and Mepis, xorg is 6.9, same monitor etc, but fonts don't look as good in Kanotix.
I thought the main problem may be due to the fact that I use gdm with Mepis and kdm in Kanotix. However even using kdm in Mepis produces the same nice looking fonts, and for some reason I cannpt get gdm to work in Kanotix (but I'm not that bothered-yet).
Kanotix is a fantastic distro, with minor teething problems, but an annoying one.
wegface - 21.03.2006, 08:47 Uhr
I reckon i'd carry on as i do now and try nearly every distro that sounds good in distrowatch Lachen Atm im tri-booting gentoo, kanotix and mepis.

Gentoo rocks- but its compile time doesnt- even to sync the repos takes ages- gentoo is a total lesson in patience hehe.

Slackware is good but slapt-get needs work to compete with apt (in my experience at least).

Mepis works well- the installer is brilliant too. I am worried bout the ubuntu thing tho- see how that one plays out......

Kanotix still rules in most respects tho. Friendly support is a big bonus i must say- and no matter wot distro i try- i always keep kanotix, after all its the distro that got me into linux- AND kept me there.
kelmo - 21.03.2006, 23:38 Uhr
anticapitalista hat folgendes geschrieben::

I thought the main problem may be due to the fact that I use gdm with Mepis and kdm in Kanotix. However even using kdm in Mepis produces the same nice looking fonts, and for some reason I cannpt get gdm to work in Kanotix (but I'm not that bothered-yet).
Kanotix is a fantastic distro, with minor teething problems, but an annoying one.

Maybe the freeze-rc.d hack is stopping gdm from registering its init script via update-rc.d. (kanotix specific hack)



apt-get --reinstall install gdm

I have used gdm for a long time.

Thanks, Kel.
tr0nic - 22.03.2006, 15:19 Uhr
Arch Linux (and its derivate Underground).
It's fast (faster than any other modern Linux Distro I have used), has by far the best package management (pacman), and it's clean and consistent.
I like it even more than any Debian, but it requires a lot of time to configure your hardware. But when it's up running, I consider it to be even better than Kanotix. However, I never got it running with *everything* working. It took me 3 days to install my DVB card, while DVB works wonderfully out-of-the-box with Kanotix and SuSE.

So, Kanotix 1st, Arch 2nd, and SuSE 3rd.
I do not like a pure Debian sid/sarge/whatever system - but I have to admit that my last Debian was version 2.2 with kernel 2.0.3x so I can't really compare to 3.1+ Winken
Daniele - 22.03.2006, 15:28 Uhr
tr0nic hat folgendes geschrieben::

I do not like a pure Debian sid/sarge/whatever system - but I have to admit that my last Debian was version 2.2 with kernel 2.0.3x so I can't really compare to 3.1+ Winken

You'd be very surprised if you tried the Etch installer beta 2, except that pppoe is totally unsupported.
maldito - 24.03.2006, 11:54 Uhr
If there was no Kanotix, then I guess I would be distro hopping forever. I kept trying all sorts and never found a home until Kanotix. But, my top 3 choices would be Ubuntu, Slackware and PC-BSD.
Ajeet - 25.03.2006, 14:01 Uhr
I would probably be using either SuSE or Ubuntu; most likely the former.

But I'm just grateful for Kanotix. (That's not to say I won't be trying out other distributions in the future)
jesseman - 27.03.2006, 04:53 Uhr
If it weren't for Kanotix, I would still be wishing my SuSE / Ubuntu / Mandriva install would allow me some wiggle room with new software. I don't know how to describe it, but I never felt on the cutting edge with the default program installs. Heck, Ubuntu 5.10 users are still on FireFox 1.0.7!

As for what if Kanotix wasn't here ( perish the thought! ), I would definetly be with Debian Sid or Etch ... maybe give Gentoo a shot through the R4 Linux project. Who knows!
Mike Shepard - 27.03.2006, 07:22 Uhr
No Kanotix? Geschockt that's a tough one. I agree with piper on mz's e17 distro but that is kanotix based so doesn't count. Knoppix was ok until after 3.7, then it started annoying me. I liked Elive Cd but don't know about that one for a desktop install. I would probaly go with some other debian install, I've really grown to like it.
piper - 27.03.2006, 16:38 Uhr
Hey mike Smilie Elive is ok on harddrive, but I still like mz's better, he did a good job.
pagey007 - 28.03.2006, 22:27 Uhr
I seen Kanotix in a mepis forum when ubunto was mentioned,I tried it ,Ditched mepis/ubunto and even debian on my main machine in favour of kanotix,It is a best kept secret and needs some advertising,Its that good,I have done about 30 installs ,It has replaced mepis on all my friends machines and are yet to hear a complaint, Smilie My 2nd choice would be pclinuxos especially for new users,As for Ubunto i feel that shuttleworth has a hidden agenda $$$$$$ .
linuxy - 29.03.2006, 11:09 Uhr
Mepis, Debian, or maybe a hard drive install of dsl or even PClinuxOS maybe, hard to say
Cintra - 29.03.2006, 13:30 Uhr
Have to admit that..

Gentoo is my #1 - with its great package manager, and easily understood init system Winken

Poormans install of the Kanotix CeBIT LiveCD is my #2.

Kanotix is so much more reliable than other distros at finding my hardware ...now if only the internal sound card and USB phone came up in the same order on every boot, it would be perfect Smilie

Next to sort out is 'tvtime', so I can route my DAB radio through the tv card's stereo input..

thanks for a great distro & and a very helpful forum!


Edit: I'm adding a number 3 - Slax 5.1.0 LiveCD - its Poorman's install toram is amazingly fast, its saving is safe, and the simplicity of adding modules makes it fun.
trufflesdad - 06.04.2006, 12:54 Uhr
Without a doubt..pclinuxos...I have used many distros in the past 10 years
and pclinuxos is the only one where everything works out of the box
without any file editing at all...Even vids play first time...
Daniele - 10.04.2006, 11:29 Uhr
I must admit that SUSE 10.1 is shaping up very nicely.
arcturus - 11.04.2006, 05:33 Uhr
PCLinuxOS also. You can even mention the 'Mpl****' word there <gasp!> without fear of reprisal or translation of cryptic irc ! commands.
linuxy - 11.04.2006, 17:47 Uhr
wayne040576 - 17.04.2006, 15:19 Uhr
arcturus hat folgendes geschrieben::
PCLinuxOS also. You can even mention the 'Mpl****' word there <gasp!> without fear of reprisal or translation of cryptic irc ! commands.

I thrashed my kanotix installation on wednesday night so before I restore it, I've decided to check out pclinuxos. It's been on my machine sice November but I haven't really looked at it until now. Seems really nice. I like the menu structure and there is a great selection of mulitmedia software out of the box. No open office though and a few other things are missing. I use KDE with a handful of gnome apps. Since this distro is very geared towards KDE, some of the gnome apps I use are missing or very old. I think I'll continue to use it for a week or so or until the kanotix 2006 final is released.
ls - 18.04.2006, 23:47 Uhr
I use Gentoo on my lap, for daily use and experiments, the best IMHO
Sarge on my fileserver, the best for this job
Ubuntu on my sister's desk, the best for her, i thought Winken
Kanotix on my mediaserver ... it was the first distro that worked and will stay forever in my heart Winken ... without it, thanks god not, still i would be using, devils best Winken ... btw, Gentoo and Debian [...] are the only two, that i would recommend, if somebody would ask me Winken
Winslayer - 19.04.2006, 13:39 Uhr
Yes, PCLinuxOS is a great alternative. The only thing that really lets it down is the slow package updates. Unlike Kanotix and Debian packages, Texstar has to create new RPM's from Mandriva for his repositories. Inevitably this will slow things down somewhat. Geschockt
Although some inter-mixing of packages is no doubt possible it would be similar to mixing Debian and Ubuntu. You take your chances...
tom_s - 21.04.2006, 20:53 Uhr
We run Live and only Live, and in the future will only consider running Live. IMO, the future for "typical" desktop users will be Live Linux running from USB flash pens (with write protect switch).

1st Place = KANOTIX! The people who put together and support this distro are in a class by themselves with respect to general Desktop needs. This conclusion is not an exageration. It is based upon many hours of experience with several live distros on several PCs by several non-tech ex-Windows users.

In other words, several experienced desktop users with widely differing frames of reference, who can not agree upon how the answering machine should say "please leave a message", all agree that KANOTIX is the preferred desktop OS.

2nd place = Knoppix & PCLOS. Both are excellent. However, given our preferences, as well as our particular crossection of hardware and limited technical abilities, these two suffer from multiple problems.

Soon all three distros will be issuing new releases. In the past, Kano and his team have repeatedly demonstrated more savvy then the others. What will happen as we enter the era of $100 computers? What will happen now that the paths advocated by Linux techies and desktop users are more widely separated? My presumption is that KANOTIX will continue to find the best compromise.
PlatinumPlus - 02.05.2006, 09:14 Uhr
SUSE 10.0
Vasco - 04.05.2006, 00:20 Uhr
Knoppix. And much more Windows Cool

spacepenguin - 05.05.2006, 13:50 Uhr
Morphix, Mepis, Yoper, Frugalware, Debian Sid - who knows Winken Some time ago I thought I maybe would use Kubuntu - but it is so crippled... Yoper and Frugalware really look promising but they don't use .deb...
acidburned - 11.05.2006, 22:18 Uhr
i would say almost anything as long as its debian based,but kanotix is still my first choice.
slam - 12.05.2006, 06:48 Uhr
Well, in another life (this life is occupied with Kanotix already Winken ) I would use Debian without the help of Kano and all the genius hackers here. And I would fight every day with initial configuration, hardware detection and packaging errors. I would definitely miss the competent, friendly and intelligent community here ....
No way! I even can't imagine to use Linux without Kanotix any more!
Humboldt - 12.05.2006, 09:26 Uhr
Titel: Shelter from the storm
slam hat folgendes geschrieben::
Well, in another life (this life is occupied with Kanotix already Winken ) I would use Debian without the help of Kano and all the genius hackers here. And I would fight every day with initial configuration, hardware detection and packaging errors. I would definitely miss the competent, friendly and intelligent community here ....
No way! I even can't imagine to use Linux without Kanotix any more!

'Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood
When blackness was a virtue and the road was full of mud
I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form.
"Come in," she said,
"I'll give you shelter from the storm."

Couldn´t resist

Best regards
craigevil - 21.05.2006, 07:20 Uhr
Titel: Shelter from the storm
Kanotix forever.

Would I use one of the other Debian based distros probably not. The Debian netinstall of Etch is quite painfree and simple.

So I would either use that or as I do now PCLinuxOS. Its just different enough with the rpm flavor to make it interesting to use.

I use Kanotix on my laptop and Kanotix, PCLinuxOS , and (I cant believe I am gonna say this) WinXP.
Cuddles - 21.05.2006, 17:01 Uhr
Titel: Re: Shelter from the storm
craigevil hat folgendes geschrieben::
Kanotix forever.


I use Kanotix on my laptop and Kanotix, PCLinuxOS , and (I cant believe I am gonna say this) WinXP.

Two questions, both having the words "why" in them....

1 ) Why cant you believe you are using WinXP?


2 ) Why are you using WinXP?

I am intrigued when people are "ashamed", or feel "bad", when they have to report they are using WinXP? My guess is, that, something you do, or use, is not provided in Linux. Or, if the system is used for work, there work environment, "forces" them to use something other than Linux.

Why would that be something that "you" would feel "bad" about? I work in a place where I have no control over what is on the systems we use, and they use WinXP. A few of my co-workers are beside me, because we both, frown upon the "reasons" the company uses this OS, and nothing they do, in that company, requires that WinXP be used. i.e. no special programs, software, or even hardware, "forces" them to be using that OS, instead of something more stable, robust, and secure as a Linux Distro.

A few of my co-workers also run versions of Linux, on there own "home" systems, one guy uses Mandrake 10. We sometimes compare notes on our operating systems... Not quite sure if he is ever going to "convert" me away from Kanotix, but, I think I have a good chance of converting him over to Kanotix, though Sehr glücklich

So, craigevil, do you have a choice of using WinXP, or are you "forced" to use it? I have talked to a few people who still have a M$ OS installed, and most of the time, they are "forced" to use it, either for the support of hardware, or the software, it provides, thats all... Many of them, would "ditch" the OS if they could, but, nothing can be found in the Linux Distros that will replace it... Thats all...

Chin up, though, I am sure, someday, the path between Linux and M$ OS's will be a lot closer Smilie
rich.bradshaw - 21.05.2006, 18:09 Uhr
Titel: Re: Shelter from the storm
I only use Windows because my Hauppage USB Tv tuner isn't supported in any form in the world of Linux... I guess the fact it is called a Hauppage WinTV, as opposed to KanoTV or LinTV prob should have given it away that it wouldn't work!
craigevil - 21.05.2006, 19:40 Uhr
Titel: RE: Re: Shelter from the storm
Only use XP when the kids want to play a couple of the Jumpstart games and for the homeschool program we use.

Tried wine , cedega and crossover so far none of them will run all of the apps.

I only gets booted about once a week.

Linux has been my OS of choice for over two years now thanks to Kanotix. If it wasn't for the kids stuff we would be completely microsoft free,
Humboldt - 30.05.2006, 12:02 Uhr
Titel: Photo editing difficult in Linux
I use win XP for all my photo editing needs. Sadly Linux can´t be used for photo editing if you want full color management. There is no support what I know of for monitor callibration etc in Linux, and no support for icc. This is not a Linux problem, and has nothing to do with WinXP magics, but has to do with the fact that most hardwarevendors do not support Linux. However, true professional photo editing software does not exist either for the Linux plattform.

BklynBoy - 31.05.2006, 14:58 Uhr
My Harmony Remote Control can only be programmed via Windows, actually via Internet Explorer.
KStorm - 06.06.2006, 23:12 Uhr
Debian Etch (netinstall). It boots up with Gnome now.
JimC - 08.06.2006, 15:09 Uhr
Titel: Re: Photo editing difficult in Linux
Humboldt hat folgendes geschrieben::
I use win XP for all my photo editing needs. Sadly Linux can´t be used for photo editing if you want full color management. There is no support what I know of for monitor callibration etc in Linux, and no support for icc.

Krita appears to be heading in the right direction with support for ICC Profiles now , thanks to color management via Little CMS. It looks like they're adding features to it slowly, with some changes made in the version that shipped with KOffice 1.5.
Perhaps it will continue to evolve and mature.

But, no monitor calibration hardware works with Linux yet that I'm aware of.

That's not a big deal to me (although some photographers will insist on a color managed workflow).

I think Linux is probably "good enough" for my limited needs to switch to. I can get Eric Hyman's Bibble to browse folders containing raw files, and use it for raw conversion, noise reduction, etc.

I've also found that a number of Windows products (for example, the FastStone Image Viewer) will run OK under Wine.

The biggest thing that's keeping me from switching to Linux is font readability.

No matter what I try, I can't get the fonts to render anywhere near as nice as they do in Windows XP with Firerfox. So, the longest I've ever ran Linux on the desktop is for around 3 or 4 days before switching back to XP. That was with one of the Release Candidates for Kanotix 2004, where I spend a lot of time tweaking fonts (but, I never did get it looking as good as XP on some of the sites I spend a lot of time on like dpreview.com).

I've installed a number of newer versions since then, and spent a lot of time tweaking fonts. I can get it better, but still nowhere near as good as XP, even when using MS Truetype fonts. It's the rendering versus the fonts themselves.

My wife is running Linux (I installed simplymepis on her laptop), and she doesn't seem to mind the font rendering. It drives me nuts trying to use Linux for long.
drb - 08.06.2006, 15:31 Uhr
No matter what I try, I can't get the fonts to render anywhere near as nice as they do in Windows XP with Firerfox

Mu experience is exactly the opposite. I can't believe how well the fonts render in Firefox/Linux compared with Windows XP! I could never go back to XP! I have a Matrox 550 video card which uses the mga driver and the fonts are 'perfect'.

I have only used Windows on a few occasions over the past 5 months. Mainly for photo stitching - which I can do more quickly in XP (using PTGui front end to panotools - PTGui runs under WINE, but very slowly - hugin has limited features compared with PTGui). I don't like the dual window interface of the GIMP but I can do all I need to with it. I've never used the (very expensive) Photshop, but used to use Paintshop Pro v7 - I do prefer this over the the GIMP.

I have found that my printer (Epson 1290) matches my monitor almost perfectly in Linux. The Linux drivers are excellent. I have always struggled to get a 'perfect' match in XP using the Epson drivers.

JimC - 08.06.2006, 16:27 Uhr
That's good to know., Maybe it's my video card. Mine is an Nvidia FX5200.

I've tried the Nvidia drivers, and it doesn't seem to make much difference. I've tried more than one monitor with it, too.

So, maybe I need to try a different video card.

Most sites render fine. But, some don't (for example, the forums at http://dpreview.com , where I spend a lot of time.

The font size I use with Windows XP is too hard to read, and if I increase the font size, it messes up the pages It does the same thing under XP (messes up the pages if you true to increase font size). But, the readability is much better at equivalent font sizes under XP. So, it's a catch 22 situation (can't read smaller fonts, can't increae the size without messing up page formatting). lol
drb - 08.06.2006, 17:19 Uhr
Your website address looks fine at 1024x768 and 72dpi.

I purposely went for the Matrox card for 2D performance.

Next time I boot Windows, I'll compare.

Daniele - 08.06.2006, 19:58 Uhr
I am sorry to contradict the overall trend, but I use what works best with my hardware. Kanotix has been wonderful with my old computer, but with my new one I am having quite a few issues. However I haven't had enough time to experiment properly, also because at the moment I am on dial-up.
nemesis - 09.06.2006, 21:17 Uhr
Hellix...definately....(more info here... http://humorix.org/articles/2000/05/hellix/ )
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