
Hardware - Need Help with DigiCam

wh7qq - 26.05.2006, 23:46 Uhr
Titel: Need Help with DigiCam
I was just given a Canon Powershot a430 digicam. So far, I haven't been able to get it to play with Kanotix (2005-04) . When I plug it into the USB port, an icon comes up with " USB Imaging Interface" and the properties dialog shows "Type: Camera and Location: /(media). Bringing up the Konqueror window shows a single folder named "USB PTP Class Camera" which has no files in it.

gtKam autodetects a USB PTP Class Camera but trying to "Apply" gets an error: " Could not initialize camera." This model is not yet supported by gphoto2. I have tried the earlier model a400 with the same result. lsusb shows "Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04a9:30f8 Canon, Inc.". I tried making an entry for it in /etc/hotplug/usb/libgphoto2.usermap using the device ID from lsusb but no help.

In my googling, I noticed that someone had gotten it to work in Ubuntu so I tried the live disk (5.10) and it found the camera and downloaded the files just fine, for what that's worth. Any help will be appreciated.

titan - 27.05.2006, 11:12 Uhr
Titel: Re: Need Help with DigiCam
wh7qq hat folgendes geschrieben::
I was just given a Canon Powershot a430 digicam. So far, I haven't been able to get it to play with Kanotix (2005-04) .


Might be worth a try using DigiKam saying it is a Cannon Powershot a400 I don,t know what the camera differences are but I think they nearly all use the same file protocol for file transfer.

chris_b - 27.05.2006, 22:02 Uhr
Be wary of telling gtkam you have a camera different to the one you have plugged in.

I have an Olympus C4000 which isn't supported. However, the C4040 - a similar camera - is supported. So I told gtkam I had a C4040, hoping that it maight work, even if only skightly. It tried to initialise the camera, and completely trashed the camera's internal firmware. I had to send it back to Olympus and pay them a large amount of money to get it fixed. This is a serious bug in the camera rather than in gtkam - it shouldn't be possible to do this, but it happened to me...

wh7qq - 27.05.2006, 22:26 Uhr
Thanks, I tried using the a400 setting with no improvement. As I mentioned, this camera works well in Ubuntu Live (5.10)(and in XP), so it isn't a defect in the hardware. In Ubuntu, gThumb sees it as a USB PTP Class Camera and communicates nicely with it, where gtKam chokes trying to initialize it. There has to be a way to do it in Kanotix.

wh7qq - 22.06.2006, 20:29 Uhr
Titel: Fixed!
See http://kanotix.com/index.php?name=PNphp ... ion+camera

The fix is to edit /etc/udev/permission.rules, line 27 to read:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", MODE="0664", GROUP="usb"

Thanks to dubwav for this solution.

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