
Software - Install Macromedia Flash 8, Dreamweaver 8, & Fireworks 8

Mike Shepard - 29.05.2006, 04:50 Uhr
Titel: Install Macromedia Flash 8, Dreamweaver 8, & Fireworks 8
Well people here it is.. The Macromedia Flash 8, Fireworks 8, and Dreamweaver 8 installation tutorial. After over a month of trying I finally have flash and fireworks working (don't use dreamweaver but heard it works fine also). So without further ado, lets get started.

First you obviously need Flash or Fireworks 8, you can get a trial or use your purchased version if done so already.
Then you need to install them on an XP box. I installed my in a VMware virtual XP computer Smilie I did try this with using 2000 instead of XP but the .reg file wouldn't comvert properly.

Then you need a newer version of Wine HQ, I downloaded mine from [link]http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine_0.9.12-winehq2-ubuntu-5.10-1_i386.deb?download[/link]

Then install Wine HQ with "dpkg -i wine_0.9.12*

Then run "winecfg" to create your .wine home directory.

After install is complete on your XP box then you have to copy the whole macromedia folder located in:
C:program files
/home/<your name>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/

- then copy the Macromed ( no mistake for the "ia" ) located in
/home/<your name>/.wine/drive_c/window/system32/

- copy the Macromedia folder from
C:documents and settingsAll usersapplication data
/home/<your name>/.wine/drive_c/window/profile/all users/

- finally copy the macromedia folder from
C:Program FilesCommon Files
/home/<your name>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/

- also if using Fireworks 8, you need to copy c:\windows\system\gdiplus.dll
/home/<your name</.wine/drive_c/Windows/system32/

(you will need the program "recode" for this next step so run "apt-get install recode")
- then export the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Macromedia/ key from your registry on windows XP ( "regedit" in execute ) and convert it to ascii using "$ recode ucs-2..ascii yourfile.reg" and run it in wine with "$ wine regedit yourfile.reg"

This step might be optional, not sure but I did a "apt-get install msttcorefonst" and then copied /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/ to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/ It's a good idea to do anyways as some programs will need those fonts.

The last step is crutial. The excutables for flash and fireworks are coded such that they will not work under linux. There is a free program to fix it, you will need to google for it. It's by FFF.

Also you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf due to a bug in wine. Change the "DefaultColorDepth" from 16 to 24 or else the program will not load.

After your set, I wrote a quick script and put it in my /usr/bin so it can be run easily from any prompt. Here is that:

cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Macromedia/Flash\ 8/
wine Flash.exe &

Well that should do it. Enjoy, let me know if you have any problems and I will try to help.

h2 - 29.05.2006, 07:09 Uhr
Titel: RE: Install Macromedia Flash 8, Dreamweaver 8, & Firewor
Just as an FYI, Dreamweaver 4, fireworks 4 both install fine using the wine installer. Since I've tried the later dreamweavers and fireworks and found them singularly bloated and annoying, I just stuck with these for the rare times I need something either program does, which has not so far come up more than once or twice.

Also, google just worked with code weavers for their picassa project, and there will apparently be some very significant wine updates released quite soon, many bugs were fixed. I'm not sure which wine release those will come out in, should be fairly soon.
Mike Shepard - 29.05.2006, 07:48 Uhr
Titel: RE: Install Macromedia Flash 8, Dreamweaver 8, & Firewor
I agree with you on dreamweaver, I just stoped liking it and now just use a text editor (I prefer the coding part Smilie ) But I do really like fireworks, as for flash the older flash 5 will install fine under wine but I needed the newer version to learn on as the older isn't capable of using the features now availble in the newer flash plugins.
The newest wine hq version that is stable for debian sid is 0.9.12 (link above), the one in the debian repo's is still only 0.9.11. The most current version is 0.9.14 but is only isn't supported for debian, and is stated that it may work by using the Ubuntu Dapper package and apt-repo's but I have not had any luck. Apt won't download the new Ubuntu version from the wine repo and the tarball ./config failed. But since it is stated not to be set for sid, I will stick with the stable version until a new one comes out for sid. I will however keep trying to get the newest one on a test computer and post if I get some sucess and also would like to hear if anyone else gets sucess. But for now the 0.9.12 works perfectly.

aYie28 - 24.06.2006, 09:36 Uhr
Titel: RE: Install Macromedia Flash 8, Dreamweaver 8, & Firewor
If like some other easy way, maybe we can use crossoveroffice....but i dont think it supported to install the latest dreamweaver release....
Mike Shepard - 24.06.2006, 19:44 Uhr
Titel: Re: RE: Install Macromedia Flash 8, Dreamweaver 8, & Fir
aYie28 hat folgendes geschrieben::
If like some other easy way, maybe we can use crossoveroffice....but i dont think it supported to install the latest dreamweaver release....

It does work under crossover 4.1 and up (I did test it), but you still need to follow the same steps unfortunently. See here http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name?app_id=1554;forum=1
Hope this helps

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