
General Support - Sudden errors on boot...

shame - 05.06.2006, 12:27 Uhr
Titel: Sudden errors on boot...
A couple of days ago, after a dist-upgrade I noticed this error on boot -
/lib/lsb/init-functions  :  line 82: [: argument expected

The error appears many times all the way through the boot process.
I've had a look at the init-functions file and this is line 82 -
elif [ -x /bin/pidof -a ! $specified ]; then

I'm not sure what the problem is.

I haven't noticed any major problems other than the progress bar on splashy isn't working (I haven't upgraded or touched splashy in any way so I don't think it has anything to do with the error, rather that the error is affecting splashy).
Also removable media is behaving erratically, sometimes media is automounting fine and others it is failing and saying pmount not found.
Again, I don't know if that's related to the error.

Since it wasn't causing major problems I've just left it to see if it sorted itself out with further upgrades but it hasn't so far.
schnorrer - 05.06.2006, 14:04 Uhr
Titel: Sudden errors on boot...
you've got a wrong/defekt /lib/lsb/funktions.

The line you post dos exist in the korekt version line 85. So, there are 3 lines missing.

starting from line 73 here is what you should see.

if [ -f "$pidfile" ]; then
for i in `cat $pidfile`; do
if [ -z "$(echo $i | sed 's/[0-9]//g')" -a -d "/proc/$i" ]; then
pids="$i $pids"
if [ -n "$pids" ]; then
echo "$pids"
return 0
return 2 # program is dead and /var/run pid file exists
elif [ -x /bin/pidof ]; then
/bin/pidof -o %PPID $1
[ "$status" = 1 ] && return 3 # program is not running
return 0
return 4 # program or service is unknown

hope I could help.
shame - 05.06.2006, 23:07 Uhr
The lines from 73 onwards that you posted are completely different to my init-functions.
I tried replacing the lines and I got even more errors and could not boot at all.
schnorrer - 06.06.2006, 08:14 Uhr
I send you the whole script via pm and you vice versa.
shame - 06.06.2006, 12:55 Uhr
I've just replaced my whole script with the one you PM'd me and rebooted.
The errors are now gone and splashy also works properly again so problem solved.
Thanks for that.
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