
Software - FreeNX dieing after 24 hours

Gowator - 05.06.2006, 18:05 Uhr
Titel: FreeNX dieing after 24 hours
Is this normal; on the freeNX?
I set it up, connected and all was great then pretty much 24 hours later it stopped.
Had to clean sessions and now its running like treacle?
Roughnecks - 05.06.2006, 18:32 Uhr
Titel: FreeNX dieing after 24 hours
maybe your internet provider forced a 24 hours reconnect.
Gowator - 06.06.2006, 07:49 Uhr
Titel: RE: FreeNX dieing after 24 hours
Nah, its local over the internal network.
100 mbit connection... I got it back by deleting the stalled session and messing about, it kept refusing to reconnect, fisrt with protocols and establishing connection then with starting the xserver...??
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