
General Support - A Little Knowledge in the Hands of a Fool

aking469 - 15.06.2006, 14:59 Uhr
Titel: A Little Knowledge in the Hands of a Fool
Yesterday, I took my laptop to the library to hook onto their wireless network to download some ISOs, just to try. Attempted to use Bittorent. Changed some settings while there. Got brave. Got buggered. System wouldn't boot upon return home. It had decided it didn't have a harddrive any more.

Reinstall. I'm getting good at this. I tried installing Ubuntu 5.10 between Kanotix installs. What a joke. How hard is that system to use? I couldn't get it to let me install packages from CDs that I've created with my favorites on it. I use dial up, my dialer is on the CD, but Ubuntu wouldn't let me use the CD as a repository. Even clicking on the file didn't work. Needless to say....after a couple of hours attempting to relearn "my bad words" I was back to Kanotix. Why can't other distros let users work the way this one does?

I like the fact that the distro helps with the needs of the user but doesn't truly restrict access or ,unfortunately for me at times, stupidity. Please, let me make my mistakes, I only learn that way. I've even tried Knoppix...it isn't as good...to me.

I also couldn't get Synaptic to install in Ubuntu...I got it working in less than an hour (with dial-up) in Kanotix. Prefer Synaptic to Kpackage.

Well, enough of my rant...if I figure out what I did wrong I'll let everyone know..must have been a huge mistake. I just didn't notice it at the time.
jackiebrown - 16.06.2006, 03:34 Uhr
Titel: RE: A Little Knowledge in the Hands of a Fool
I don't have the bad feelings towards Ubuntu that many have. But I also don't see why people say it's easier than debian. Sure in Debian you might have the occasional depency problem, but apt always warns you. And you have new packages.
noahsark - 21.06.2006, 20:25 Uhr
Titel: RE: A Little Knowledge in the Hands of a Fool
Yep. Kanotix is great. Gentoo was fun for a weekend, until I needed the computer to actually WORK monday and I was told it would take a good day or two to compile KDE and OO.o! GAH! All the fun just went out the window. Back to kanotix, where I had complete system in 10 minutes! I love it. You can play with things, bork it all, and then be back up in less than an hour.
aking469 - 22.06.2006, 01:30 Uhr
Titel: Productivity
When I wanted to be productive quickly, I found that Kanotix was the only distro that allowed it without irritating me to the point of distraction. When I tried Ubuntu I went on their site and mentioned a couple of problems I was having....got a lot of RTFM, but little help. In addition, they seemed to frown at the fact that someone on lowly dial-up was attempting to make the distro work.

Here, at Kanotix, I not only got help, but when I found my own work around the input was appreciated.

I don't know why Kanotix isn't always included in the "just works" lists that I keep seeing every where. I even wrote a piece for Linux.com stating that fact.

But I do appreciate the hard work and time Kano and company put in to keep me productive!!
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