
Anything goes - Is etch really sid?

analogtek - 24.09.2006, 00:03 Uhr
Titel: Is etch really sid?
Is etch actually sid? I have done a Etch drive set up with a full current dist-upgrade,to most current Etch..Also the same with sid on a seprate drive.. I see very little to no diffrent from a user view..In other word's you have to literly split hair's to see any diff in operation. Since file access is in the order of micro sec or less time a average human just wont see a diff.
jackiebrown - 24.09.2006, 00:16 Uhr
Titel: RE: Is etch really sid?
I find sid more complete
DeepDayze - 24.09.2006, 03:05 Uhr
Titel: RE: Is etch really sid?
Sid has more packages than Etch at the moment...but once Etch becomes the new Stable, then more packages would be made for it. Sid, may still remain the unstable branch I believe
jackiebrown - 24.09.2006, 04:09 Uhr
Titel: RE: Is etch really sid?
sid is always the unstable branch.

and sid will almost always have more package made for it since that is where they go first.
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