
Anything goes - Alan Cox's laptop exploded

severin - 26.09.2006, 08:14 Uhr
Titel: Alan Cox's laptop exploded
Just wondering if there has been some MS thug tinkering with it... Böse
DeepDayze - 26.09.2006, 13:32 Uhr
Titel: RE: Alan Cox
Bad Sony battery maybe?
hubi - 26.09.2006, 15:47 Uhr
Titel: RE: Alan Cox
Uuuuh. I'll better unplug my notebooks when I'm not at home or sleeping and check out for an old song by the German band Die Krupps titled "Hi Tech, Low Life". The song is about 20 years old and still valid.

Positive: resellers of IBM/Lenovo notebooks will not riot like resellers of Volvo cars in New York (?) decades ago. And I hope IBM/Lenovo set the bomb one day after warranty was/is void.

And another vendor on my blacklist.

DeepDayze - 26.09.2006, 15:54 Uhr
Titel: RE: Alan Cox
Don't blame Lenovo for this fiasco. Their machines are well made and they were victims of the bad batch of Sony batteries as well.
hubi - 26.09.2006, 18:44 Uhr
Titel: RE: Alan Cox

in my opinion, IBM are responsible which parts they use in their boxes. If they want, they can use an accumulator built in Northern Korea. I still would blame IBM and not Kim Yong Il, if the thing explodes.

It's the same with car parts. When the electronic recently failed in my car, I had to go to my Alfa dealer, although the Italians did not develop the electronics, Bosch did, it was a failure in a Bosch-part, but still: it's an Alfa, they built it in, it's their decision, they have to repair it and they have the responsibility for it. I do not have a contract with Bosch but with Alfa Romeo.

Same with IBM ThinkPads, I suppose. You do not need to research which parts they use.


PS: I hope Sony does not use accumulators from Sony Geschockt
DeepDayze - 26.09.2006, 19:01 Uhr
Titel: RE: Alan Cox
Understandable, but IBM/Lenovo also want to protect their reputations as well. They want to get to the bottom of this just as much as Dell and Apple do.
hubi - 26.09.2006, 19:07 Uhr
Titel: RE: Alan Cox

totally agree on that when IBM is doing that. So, off the blacklist then (I had a Thinkpad once, I really liked it, worked for six years flawlessly until I destroyed it accidently).

h2 - 29.09.2006, 22:50 Uhr
Titel: RE: Alan Cox
hubi, ibm / lenova, like dell, toshiba, and apple, are taking responsibility, as you suggested.
In fact, I just called and am getting sent a replacement for one of mine, no problems.

Now as for sony, this is yet another black mark against them, not as if they needed anymore after their ridiculous windows rootkit mascarading as copy protection fiasco of recent times. And that's just one among many horrible decisions and questionable activities they've been engaged in.

So sony is now even more firmly on my permanent do not ever buy from again list, for any reason.
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