
Anything goes - AIGLX now works with NVidia beta drivers

eco2geek - 29.09.2006, 08:49 Uhr
Titel: AIGLX now works with NVidia beta drivers
You may have heard of AIGLX, a 3D-desktop technology that's similar to XGL. In a nutshell (and as I understand it), XGL uses a modified X server running on top of an unmodified X.org server, while AIGLX is "built into" X.org 7.1. XGL was created by Novell/Suse, while AIGLX was created by RedHat and has the support of the X.org people. The end result -- the 3D desktop -- looks similar, as both XGL and AIGLX use an OpenGL compositing window manager (e.g. compiz).

Up until now, NVidia didn't support AIGLX, but with the appearance of its beta 1.0.9625 drivers, it does.

An easy way to try both XGL and AIGLX, if you have an NVidia card, is to run the latest Sabayon Linux live CD, which will let you use either XGL or AIGLX.
devil - 29.09.2006, 09:20 Uhr
Titel: AIGLX now works with NVidia beta drivers
beryl works with nvidia for kanotix. use at your OWN RISK:

read the INSTALL txt in the package.
you have to set nvidia - script to use the newest beta driver, since its not set to default in the script.

makke - 29.09.2006, 13:15 Uhr
Titel: AIGLX now works with NVidia beta drivers
for latest version add
deb http://kanotixguide.org/debian sid main non-free contrib
to your /etc/apt/sources.list
Kano - 29.09.2006, 15:26 Uhr
Titel: RE: AIGLX now works with NVidia beta drivers
Beryl works somehow with AIGLX, for nvidia use

install-nvidia-debian.sh -c

That enables all Options for AIGLX and installs 9625 driver. I got it to work with gf2mx and gf4mx (onboard), maybe enable skydome if you don't see the top/bottom images.
eco2geek - 30.09.2006, 02:18 Uhr
I wasn't able to get AIGLX to work using the INSTALL instructions. However, your XGL script ("install-compiz-sh") works wonderfully.
jackiebrown - 30.09.2006, 04:22 Uhr
for those that lurk the forums but use straight debian - the beta drivers are in experimental
zulu9 - 01.10.2006, 00:18 Uhr
Beryl works somehow with AIGLX, for nvidia use
install-nvidia-debian.sh -c

Worked too on my gf4ti. I prefer AIGLX/Beryl over XGL/Compiz because now I get Xvideo-Support and can switch to kwin (for full speed in 3D-Apps) anytime. Sehr glücklich
Cathbard - 03.10.2006, 20:12 Uhr
Well I used compiz/XGL for a little while and have now switched to beryl/aiglx. Seems solider, if that makes sense. Faster too. Like it lots.

PS: It seems that compiz themes work fine in beryl. All I've been doing is changing the extension from .cgwdtheme to .emerald and they have been loading fine in emerald using the import button.
The themes then get stored in ~/.emerald/themes
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