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Titel: Live Large File Copy Bug  BeitragVerfasst am: 05.06.2011, 12:42 Uhr

Anmeldung: 09. Mai 2011
Beiträge: 74


Persistence Version of Iso Image on HD
$ cat /etc/kanotix-version
Kanotix Hellfire 20110511-14:43
# mkdir /p1
# mkdir /p6
# mount /dev/sda1 /p1
# mount /dev/sda6 /p6
# ls -lh /p6/lm
-rw-r--r-- 1 999 999 867M May 28 15:26 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
# ls -lh /p1/dum
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 554M Jun 5 11:31 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
# cp /p6/lm/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso /p1/dum
cp: overwrite `/p1/dum/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso'?  y
Continuous disk access of several seconds duration, then complete freeze! No mouse, no Alt+Tab. No Ctl+Alt+bksp. No Ctl+Alt+F1. TOTAL FREEZE.

Non-Persistence Version of Iso Image on HD
kanotix@Kanotix:~$ cat /etc/kanotix-version
Kanotix Hellfire 20110511-14:43
root@Kanotix:/home/kanotix# mkdir /p1
root@Kanotix:/home/kanotix# mkdir /p6
root@Kanotix:/home/kanotix# mount /dev/sda1 /p1
root@Kanotix:/home/kanotix# mount /dev/sda6 /p6
root@Kanotix:/home/kanotix# ls -lh /p6/lm
total 868M
-rw-r--r-- 1 999 999 867M May 28 13:26 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
root@Kanotix:/home/kanotix# ls -lh /p1/dum
total 31M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31M Jun 5 09:55 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
root@Kanotix:/home/kanotix# cp /p6/lm/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso /p1/dum
cp: overwrite `/p1/dum/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso'? y
Continuous disk access of several seconds duration, then complete freeze! No mouse, no Alt+Tab. No Ctl+Alt+bksp. No Ctl+Alt+F1. TOTAL FREEZE.

Non-Persistence Version of Iso Image on HD
Linux Mint
mint mint # mkdir /p1
mint mint # mkdir /p6
mint mint # mount /dev/sda1 /p1
mint mint # mount /dev/sda6 /p6
mint mint # ls -ld /p6/lm
drwxrwxrwx 2 mint mint 4096 2011-05-30 23:26 /p6/lm
mint mint # ls -ld /p1/dum
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 96 2011-06-05 09:30 /p1/dum
mint mint # ls -lh /p6/lm
total 868M
-rw-r--r-- 1 mint mint 867M 2011-05-28 13:26 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
mint mint # ls -lh /p1/dum
total 31M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31M 2011-06-05 09:55 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
mint mint # cp /p6/lm/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso /p1/dum
mint mint # ls -lh /p1/dum
total 868M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 867M 2011-06-05 10:48 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
mint mint # df -h /p1
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 60G 15G 45G 25% /p1
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Titel: Temporary Fix => Memory Problem  BeitragVerfasst am: 11.06.2011, 23:27 Uhr

Anmeldung: 09. Mai 2011
Beiträge: 74

Create SWAP
# swapon /dev/sda7
# swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 0 -1
# mount /dev/sda1 p1
# ls -l p1/dum
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 909107200 Jun 5 12:48 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
# rm p1/dum/*
rm: remove regular file `p1/dum/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso'? y
Create Large File
# dd if=/dev/zero of=p1/dum/dummy bs=1M count=768
768+0 records in
768+0 records out
805306368 bytes (805 MB) copied, 10.8299 s, 74.4 MB/s
Successfully Created
# ls -l p1/dum/dummy
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 805306368 Jun 11 18:52 p1/dum/dummy
# ls -lh p1/dum/dummy
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 768M Jun 11 18:52 p1/dum/dummy
# du -h p1/dum/dummy
769M p1/dum/dummy
Used to Crash with the Same Symptoms Pfeil after Continuous disk access the System Froze
# swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 79916 -1
Swap Used and Command Completed Ausrufezeichen

Large File
# mount /dev/sda6 p6
# ls -l p6/lm
-rw-r--r-- 1 999 999 909107200 May 28 15:26 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 6 11:06 vd
Large File Copy
# cp -a p6/lm/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso p1/dum

# swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 79896 -1
Swap Used
# ls -lh p1/dum/
total 1.6G
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 768M Jun 11 18:52 dummy
-rw-r--r-- 1 999 999 867M May 28 15:26 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
# ls -l p1/dum/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 805306368 Jun 11 18:52 dummy
-rw-r--r-- 1 999 999 909107200 May 28 15:26 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
& Copy Terminated Normally

Swap Usage
# swapon /dev/sda7
# swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 0 -1
# mount /dev/sda1 p1
During DD
$ sudo swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 0 -1

# dd if=/dev/zero of=p1/dum/ddt bs=1M count=768
$ sudo swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 2776 -1
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 2828 -1
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 2828 -1
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 2828 -1
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 2768 -1
768+0 records in
768+0 records out
805306368 bytes (805 MB) copied, 13.0094 s, 61.9 MB/s

$ sudo swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda7 partition 530108 2628 -1
Command Execution
# ls -lh p1/dum/
total 2.4G
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 768M Jun 11 22:10 ddt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 768M Jun 11 18:52 dummy
-rw-r--r-- 1 999 999 867M May 28 15:26 linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
Normally Terminating
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